Star One Credit Union
Star One Credit Union Auto Loan
Rate | 3.65 % - 7.65% |
APR | 2.49% - 6.49% |
Currency | USD |
Rate indicated is the minimum discounted APR for new vehicles and requires automatic payment and/or direct deposit and it has a minimum loan amount of $30,000.
The rate of 3.65 % - 7.65% is 3.65% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -3.65 % lower than the highest rate Updated Aug, 2019
Rate indicated is the minimum discounted APR for new vehicles and requires automatic payment and/or direct deposit and it has a minimum loan amount of $30,000.
The rate of 3.65 % - 7.65% is 3.65% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -3.65 % lower than the highest rate Updated Aug, 2019
3.65 % - 7.65%
2.49% - 6.49%