Goldman Sachs 1 Year CD Rates
Type | Fixed |
Rate | 2.40% |
Currency | USD |
Website: https://www.marcus.com
Authority: Marcus by Goldman Sachs, is a online retail bank named after its founder Marcus Goldman. As of the end of 2017, Marcus was serving more than 350,000 customers. Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment bank based in New York City.
How to open a Marcus by Goldman Sachs Certificate of Deposit
- You can open an account by visit the website at marcus.com
Please note that if you choose to link your Marcus savings account with an external bank account using account and routing numbers, we may use trial deposits to verify your access to that account where they may deposit two small deposits into this external bank account for verification purposes.
- You can find further information about Deposits on its toll-free number at 1-855-730-SAVE (1-855-730-7283)
How do i access an existing Marcus CD
You can acceoss your Marcus CD at Marcus.com, where you can login with your email address and password. In additon you can use Marcus automated phone system at 1-855-730-SAVE (7283) that lets you check balances, transfer funds using a 4 digit PIN. In addition you can also speak to a live person on 1-855-730-SAVE
Information about Marcus by Goldman Sachs 1 Year CD Rates
A Bank like Goldman Sachs may use deposits to diversiify funding sources. As a new online bank it may try to win customers by offering competitive rates in conjunction with its authoratative reputation comparing its rates on its website against Chase, Citibank, Wells Fargo and Bank of America. For its 1 yr CD rate, it has a higher risk premium to this rate than its 6 month CD but lower risk premium than its longer dated CD of 6 years. This rate is also affected by current and prospective monetary policy decisions but the US federal reserve.
Requirements about this CD account
Rate is based on a 12 month/1 year fixed term with a $500 minimum open a CD and earn APY. New accounts may not exceed $1 million.
The rate of 2.40% is 2.4% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -2.4 % lower than the highest rate Updated Aug, 2019
Website: https://www.marcus.com
Authority: Marcus by Goldman Sachs, is a online retail bank named after its founder Marcus Goldman. As of the end of 2017, Marcus was serving more than 350,000 customers. Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment bank based in New York City.
How to open a Marcus by Goldman Sachs Certificate of Deposit
- You can open an account by visit the website at marcus.com
Please note that if you choose to link your Marcus savings account with an external bank account using account and routing numbers, we may use trial deposits to verify your access to that account where they may deposit two small deposits into this external bank account for verification purposes.
- You can find further information about Deposits on its toll-free number at 1-855-730-SAVE (1-855-730-7283)
How do i access an existing Marcus CD
You can acceoss your Marcus CD at Marcus.com, where you can login with your email address and password. In additon you can use Marcus automated phone system at 1-855-730-SAVE (7283) that lets you check balances, transfer funds using a 4 digit PIN. In addition you can also speak to a live person on 1-855-730-SAVE
Information about Marcus by Goldman Sachs 1 Year CD Rates
A Bank like Goldman Sachs may use deposits to diversiify funding sources. As a new online bank it may try to win customers by offering competitive rates in conjunction with its authoratative reputation comparing its rates on its website against Chase, Citibank, Wells Fargo and Bank of America. For its 1 yr CD rate, it has a higher risk premium to this rate than its 6 month CD but lower risk premium than its longer dated CD of 6 years. This rate is also affected by current and prospective monetary policy decisions but the US federal reserve.
Requirements about this CD account
Rate is based on a 12 month/1 year fixed term with a $500 minimum open a CD and earn APY. New accounts may not exceed $1 million.
The rate of 2.40% is 2.4% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -2.4 % lower than the highest rate Updated Aug, 2019